1.Define an int matrix (n * n)
2. Create a static method that print the matrix
2.1 Create a static method that print an array.
3. Create a cicle that insert factors number from a given input (n from 1 to 100) and print all arrays and then insert the array’s elements to a matrix of all factorized number.

package factortomatrix;
public class FactorToMatrix {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//1. Define an int matrix (n * n)
//2. Create a static method that print the matrix
//2.1 Create a static method that print an array
//3. Create a cicle that insert factors number from
//a given input (n from 1 to 100) and print
// all array and then insert the array
// elements to a matrix of all factorized number.

int a[][]= new int[4][4];
int i=1,n=100;
i create a cicle that put i as input to
a method that finds factors 
i start from 1 and go to 100 
    System.out.println("n given :"+ i);
    int factors[]= new int[i];

// i code a findFactors(int n)
// method that return an array....----here the trick----
public static int[] FindFactors(int n)
    int factors=1;int len=n/2+1;
int factorsArray[] = new int[len];
int i=0;
if (n%factors==0) // here i find factors
    // here we have a factor


return factorsArray;
// to test printMatrix i create a randomMatrixCreator
public static void randomMatrixCreator(int m[][],int nMax)
{// nMax is the maximum value i insert to the matrix
// from 0 to nMax
for(int i=0;i<m.length;i++)
    { for(int j=0;j<m.length;j++)

public static void PrintMatrix(int m[][])
    { for(int i=0;i<m.length;i++)
            for(int j=0;j<m.length;j++)
    System.out.print(m[i][j]+ " ");
public static void PrintArray(int m[])
{ for(int i=0;i<m.length;i++)
System.out.print(m[i]+ " ");


The following video is the solution:

from an factors arrays we create a matrix filled by numbers divisors.